Javorová 2878/17
Piešťany 921 01
IČO: 42165181
email: info (at) prowinter (dot) sk
Members of the Association
Katarína Hallová
Erik Rybárik
Silvia Bušová
Peter Blaškovič
Denis Kristek
Kay Zeisberg
Our Association is made up of 8 very different people, with different interests and experiences, we graduated from different schools, don’t work for the same company or indeed even in the same town. The one thing that connects us, however, is the desire to pay tribute to the Winter family, who under the banner of the Alexander Winter and Sons Company contributed such an incredible amount to the building of Piešťany, the city in which we live.
We have created the Pro Winter Civic Association in order that awareness of the work of the Winter family be maintained. It’s our dream to tell the world about the role that the Winter family had in the building of our beautiful city. Our project, to erect a Statue of Ľudovít Winter on the Colonnade Bridge, will help us not only to commemorate his many great achievements but will also help in promoting Piešťany at home and abroad.
The Pro-Winter Civic Association has been operational since 2011. Our work has slowly come to fruition, we have researched the history of the family, set up our Association, created this website, obtained the necessary permits and importantly been lucky enough to find a sculptor, Roman Hrčka, who shares our enthusiasm and passions for this project. So far we have set the budget and agreed the form of the sculpture. Our last remaining obstacle is to secure the finances to realise our dream. If you have enjoyed finding out about our city, our project and the great Ľudovít Winter then perhaps you might be moved to support us reach our goal of erecting the statue so that Ľudovít Winter can forever more watch over his beloved city.